After being tasked with recreating one of our favorite books my choice was the german dystopic book called Qualityland by Marc-Uwe Kling, famous for the Kangaroo Chronicles series.
The book presents a satirical futuristic society called Qualityland, where everything revolves around technology. There are applications or programs which provide the allegedly "best" solution for every aspect of the citizens' life, and so all of them start with ‘quality-’. Therefore, the cover hoped to create a ‘scrolling menu’ in the cover, keeping it minimal but attention-calling, while keeping the digital theme. The font used, Akzidenz Grotesk, matches this theme by being sans-serif, and the text was all written in uppercase to make it more imposing. 
Two versions were created, a light and a dark one, in homage to the original cover which also has both variations.
↪ Scope:   Book Cover Design
↪ Tools:     Photoshop, Illustrator
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